RPA INTERVIEW at UI path company


Last week I gave an interview with the ui
Path. I am sharing my experience with all of you.

There is a logical test conducted by hackerrank.com

Test have 12 question
10 some logical reasoning
2 for programming.

Total time to complete the task is 90 min.

Programming questions:

 1. Find the perfect string in a string A string is called perfect string If all of it's element exist exactly k time.
String 1102021222 and k = and is 62

2. Count no of element in pair of exactly k repetition of element
131 and k =1
And (1,3)(3,1)

I passed this test

Second round :
It's a Skype round take 1 hr of test.

Interview questions asked
1. Tell me about your self
2. Tell me about your project
3. What you know about RPA.
4. What is the real meaning of RPA as per your knowledge.
5. How many process you have used in RPA.
6. What is inner bot and frontend bot.
7. How we check error or debugg our program.
8.your team and work approach
9. Your role in your team
10. How to handle a process that have multiple table data .
11. If a client have different Excel file . And you want to merge in a. Single file but all data should be  standard ,how you can done with RPA .
12 .what is DLL
13. How can you create a DLL for which project you create a DLL.

Some programming questions.

1.How can check type of a variable.
Logic behind a sting have another string.
3. 4 person crossing a bridge.they have a single tourch
But some condition there .
1 .Aleast 2 at a time
2. With  at tourch
3. One can cross the birge in 1 min, second in 2 min ,third in 5 min ,4 in 12 min

In what pattern they cross the bridge
What is the minimum time they take for cross the bridge.


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