OOPS Interview qustion’s and Answer in C#

OOPS Interview question's and Answer 

We will update the solution soon........

Sr.No Problem Solution
1 What is Object Oriented Programming? Solution!
2 What is an Object? Solution!
3 Explain the basic features of OOPs ? Solution!
4 What are Abstract classes ? Solution!
5 Explain the features of an Interface? Solution!
6 Difference between an abstract class and an Interface ? Solution!
7 Explain different types of Inheritance ? Solution!
8 What is Constructor and Destructor ? Solution!
9 What is a Static Constructor? Solution!
10 What is Method Overloading? Solution!
11 What is Access Specifier? Solution!
12 What is Encapsulation? Solution!
13 What is the difference between Method Overloading and Method Overriding? Solution!
14 What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation ? Solution!
15 What is Operator Overloading ? Solution!
16 What is a Delegate ? Solution!
17 What is multicast Delegate ? Solution!
18 What are Events ? Solution!
19 What is the difference between Array and Collection? Solution!
20 What is the difference between Shadowing and Overriding? Solution!
21 What is the difference between Class and Structure ? Solution!
22 What is the similarities between Class and Structure ? Solution!
23 What is Enum ? Solution!
24 What is a Nested Class ? Solution!
25 What is an Indexer ? Solution!
26 What is Sealed keyword in C# ? Solution!
27 What is a hashtable ? Solution!
28 What is the difference between Shadowing and Overriding? Solution!
29 What is Polymorphism and explain different types of Polymrphism ? Solution!

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